Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Garden

I had a vision. Rows of green goodness, that I would can into a colorful variety of nutrition to nourish my family throughout the winter. In reality-my dad only wants to give up a 20 by 10 portion of  his yard to the garden. And even more disheartening? I do not have a green thumb. I started my seeds. They sprouted green shoots, happily growing towards the window from the shelves and counter in my house. I dug and fertilized my garden. I attempted to harden the plants. It was a warm and WINDY day and I think it may have harmed then.
I waited a few days, and finally carefully placed the tiny budding plants in the soil of my backyard. And they died.
At the same time, Karl dug and prepared soil in a shady spot along our fence. He literally poured the seeds out in small areas. His garden is doing wonderfully.


1 comment:

  1. I guess in the future, I will just have Karl do the garden. I will plan and he can execute. Works for me.
