Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Internet Woes

I don't like computers. Networking, figuring IP addresses, all that stuff is purely annoying. I just want them to work. Since I am in a budget crisis due to rising food and gas costs, I did the responsible thing, researched internet companies and made the switch.
DSL came. I had no problems getting set up with the internet, but we could NOT get the wireless router set up with it. In frustration, I decided to stick with cable for internet. I turned in the remote and cable box, and explained that  I still wanted to keep internet. Well, that's an additional 10 a month, which means my bill will be nearly 75 or 80 with fees just for internet. AND they will charge me 40 to disconnect the cable. I decided to try setting up the dsl again. Same thing.
I have followed every tutorial I can find, but I can't get it to work with wireless.
I am so frustrated. They charge $200 to have someone come set it up, and even customer service has a charge. As a last ditch effort, my ex is going to come look at it. But I don't know what to do. Should I cancel the cable modem before the person comes to disconnect the tv (they said I would have to wait 7 days to disconnect everything, because they want to charge an extra week). Or stick with the cable modem which works, and just send all the ATT stuff back and deal with the bill for nothing. I don't know. I am so frustrated.
I know that somehow the DSL should work with wireless. But am I going to have to shell out 90 for the att router so I will be able to get their tech support?


Monday, June 6, 2011

Countdown to cheap?

I like having kids. I like the meaning they bring to life, and seeing the world through their fresh eyes (until they become jaded nine year olds, thanks to cable tv). All my adult life, I stressed how cheap and easy kids can be. Cloth diapers, breastfeeding, yards sales, etc. Having babies is cheap (I guess it helped that my ex was in the military which made for cheap births).
The past year has changed my opinion. First, Liam was born, which ended up costing $5000, because of the way the hospital bill was made up, out of pocket. Then the insurance for a baby-just in case. Then my fiance hates cloth diapers, and we can't afford for me to stay home, so we had to buy formula to supplement during the day. I abhor breast pumps. It's so boring to sit there.
Then Taryn had to have talent. So we shell out for voice lessons and cheerleading lessons, and wouldn't you know? She made the team. Another $380, and she doesn't even get to keep the uniforms.
On top of everything, I now have two teenagers and one near teenager. Do you know how many calories teenagers need in a day? They eat everything. And they are in public schools, so they need a somewhat large wardrobe. Taryn is the only brand-conscious one, but it hurts. I say no as much as possible. But I know how it feels to be the kid with the knockoff brand. It hurts, especially when you are a self-conscious teenager, and feel like everyone is judging (and they are. Really). Tierney has yet to find a job to help pay her expenses.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade my kids for any amount of cash. But once they lose the innocent cuteness, you are left with R&B smut singing (thanks 96.5), food-eating, young adults, who cost a lot and still try to sneak out of doing chores by disappearing into their bedrooms under a pile of clothing, dishes, and stuff. I understand what Bill Cosby was joking about The Cosby Show, now. I know now why people say they can't wait until they grow up.

Thank goodness I am too poor to pay for their college. But there is probably some hidden cost of college kids I don't yet know about.

Guess I will go stare at the not-really-innocent faces, while they beg to go "do something".